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The Reclamation Project

Aug 15, 2019

Unconditional love does not mean putting up with anything and everything. Setting ownership, agreements, and boundaries is healthy and necessary in relationships.  


Julianne shares recent changes in her life, including the journey she’s taken from where she was when the podcast started, to calling in a partner, and the importance of setting healthy boundaries in all relationships - and how that does not contradict unconditional love. It’s about using your voice and making self-honoring choices. 


  • Coming from a place of compassion for yourself AND those around you
  • How the podcast started as her processing her breakthroughs and journey live
  • Healing her body after she’d done the mental mindset work
  • Calling in a partner and the experience it’s been so far and the content it’s opened up
  • Experiences with that partner driving home this unconditional love vs boundary lesson
  • The idea of unconditional love can be manipulative, even unconsciously
  • Making your relationship a conscious choice every day



  • 11:45 - Human Design and the insights it can offer
  • 21:58 - Unconventional love is not how much you can put up with
  • 26:00 - Being “selflessly selfish”


“Anybody in your life that is meant for you is going to understand that you need to fully show up in the best way for you, and in doing that, you can show up better for that person. ” 



FREE GUIDE: SEED CYCLING: Grab the most effective holistic strategy to regulate your PMs symptoms & cycle


GODDESS INITIATIVE enrollment is open NOW! The program starts September 2nd. APPLY NOW 


For a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MIN COACHING session with Julianne, leave The Reclamation Project a 5 star iTunes review. Screenshot & send it to @juliannevaccaro or to schedule!


Learn how to reclaim your feminine power to live an empowered, turned on life w/ Julianne’s proven 5 phase program Goddess Reclamation - 20 weeks to clear the noise, access your intuition, & live up to your absolute potential in a body you LOVE.


Let's connect:

IG: @juliannevaccaro

The Reclamation Project IG: @therppodcast 
