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The Reclamation Project

Sep 26, 2019

In this episode, Julianne focuses on the topic everyone seems to dread - MONEY! Julianne has done a lot of work around her beliefs around money in the past year and now she can share everything that she has learned and help you step past your money stories and blocks. From having no money coming in, living rent-free with her brother, having no car, and getting farther in debt, to now living life the way she visioned, debt-free and abundant. 


Key topics:


  • In the past, Julianne allowed money to be an excuse
  • Money is just energy
  • Trusting and accepting without knowing or worrying about the details
  • Getting really clear on the life you want to create and your beliefs about money


“I don’t want to see you using money as the excuse and the reason for not going after the dreams, hopes and visions that you have for yourself.”



FREE GUIDE: 'GUT ED: 3 Holistic Gut Healing Hacks For Amazing Digestion, Clear Skin & A Happy Mind'


For a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MIN COACHING session with Julianne, leave The Reclamation Project a 5 star iTunes review. Screenshot & send it to @juliannevaccaro or to schedule!


Learn how to reclaim your feminine power to live an empowered, turned on life w/ Julianne’s proven 5 phase program Goddess Reclamation - 20 weeks to clear the noise, access your intuition, & live up to your absolute potential in a body you LOVE.


Let's connect:

IG: @juliannevaccaro

The Reclamation Project IG: @therppodcast 
