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The Reclamation Project

Oct 17, 2019

Today Julianne is talking about communication, dropping into the feminine, and more!

She dad a week that was very resistant of being around male energy and not communicating, and it caused inner turmoil from not being clear with where she was at. In actually communicating she discovered some things about herself and had some breakthroughs and also found out some of the things she was missing and wanting were available as soon as she just communicated!


Highlights & key points:


  • Instead of looking at things that come up as “more work to do”, look at is as room for growth and expansion 
  • Healing is about dropping into your feminine, regardless if you are a man or woman
  • Trying to use our logic/our heads can get in the way 
  • Honor what feels right even if it doesn’t make sense. 
  • Truly honor your emotions at whatever point they’re present and being vulnerable and transparent in that at all times. 


“I realized how I was creating so much inner turmoil for myself because I simply was not communicating and this inner turmoil was like guilt around not showing up, not being communicative in my words, not being clear with where I was at.”



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For a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MIN COACHING session with Julianne, leave The Reclamation Project a 5 star iTunes review. Screenshot & send it to @juliannevaccaro or to schedule!


Learn how to reclaim your feminine power to live an empowered, turned on life w/ Julianne’s proven 5 phase program Goddess Reclamation - 20 weeks to clear the noise, access your intuition, & live up to your absolute potential in a body you LOVE.


Let's connect:

IG: @juliannevaccaro

The Reclamation Project IG: @therppodcast 
