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The Reclamation Project

Nov 28, 2019

In today’s episode, Julianne talks about the shift in recent months as she completed her somatic sexologist practitioner program. She is finding that after all the work she has down, and the new perspectives she has gained, how she processes and even creates content is changing. It has also brought home the importance of being witnessed and held and having live community. 


Key topics:

  • The podcasts beginnings as “live processing”
  • There are still ups and downs, but processing is different now
  • How the members of her practitioner program became a family.
  • Experiencing new levels of connection she hasn’t felt before
  • The urge to hide to go through stuff instead of sharing and being held
  • Importance of community, being met with love and tenderness


“It’s not through a phone, it’s not through a screen, it’s you being held, it’s you having affirmed words, and you receiving that, and you sitting in that receptivity until you can take it all in and know that you’re deserving of it and worthy of it.”



Friday, December 6th, 2019 - Sunday December 8th, 2019, in a cozy cabin tucked in the foothills outside of Denver. During this 3-day retreat, you will be guided through sacred embodiment practices that have changed dozens of women's lives. 

We will be gathering together in a supported & sacred container with other sisters to be seen, held, + celebrated. 

This work will be centered around heart, body, mind, & spiritual healing to initiate profound levels of upleveling in all areas of your life.

Featuring: sound healing, sacred embodiment practices, sharing circles, ecstatic dance, fire ceremonies, yoga, energy healing, talk & discussion from industry experts, & so much more magic!


FREE GUIDE: 'GUT ED: 3 Holistic Gut Healing Hacks For Amazing Digestion, Clear Skin & A Happy Mind'


GUT ED, the 6 week Gut Healing Group Program to reset your metabolism & give you clarity + confidence on what works for your body, is now ALWAYS OPEN - Join GUT ED here.


For a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MIN COACHING session with Julianne, leave The Reclamation Project a 5 star iTunes review. Screenshot & send it to @juliannevaccaro or to schedule!


Let's connect:

IG: @juliannevaccaro

The Reclamation Project IG: @therppodcast 
